Martino Ugolini
Martino is studying how mammalian embryos manage to make sure that their first cell division is symmetric, and what are the causes and consequences when they happen to make a first asymmetric division.
Before switching to studying bovine embryos, he has studied the role of piRNAs in c. elegans in the Cecere lab (Paris), the role of oxidative stress on aging in the short-lived killifish, the transcripts that are present in murine synapses, and how their composition changes over time (Cellerino lab, Pisa and Jena), the biophysical properties of the spindle’s microtubules (Brugués lab, Dresden) and, in his PhD, the role of transcription bodies, which are nuclear structures in which transcriptional activity is concentrated, during early zebrafish development (Vastenhouw Lab, Lausanne).
When he is not in the lab you can find him playing his violin, at the cinema watching old movies or on the dance floor.