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Department of Reproductive Endocrinology Dubey Lab


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Giovanna Azzarito


Giovanna's project is focused on the identification of miRNAs that differentially regulate angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in breast cancer. Her goal is to identify miRNAs that reduce cancer growth and specific factors released by carcinogenic cells to inhibit tumor progression and dissemination. To replicate the in-vivo cell-cell interaction, first she developed a model for the simultaneous culture of endothelial and tumor cells in a 3D structure (spheroids).

This model was used to discover new biomarkers using molecular and transcriptomic approaches and it may play a fundamental role in the early diagnosis of cancer and predict therapeutic response. Furthermore, this technique represents a useful and less invasive alternative to identify therapeutic targets and to discover relevant mechanisms to target tumor growth.

Giovanna's passion for research is fuelled by the acts of finding new knowledge for everyone and by the desire to develop new therapeutic approaches to prevent, alleviate or cure diseases and improve people’s life quality.




Marinella Rosselli

Senior Scientist

Marinella has a long experience in reproductive medicine and even run her own clinic.

She supports the lab in several ways, from performing delicate experiments to keeping the lab running.
